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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
HAHAHAHAHAHHAA. CHECK THIS OUTWorlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: lets be comrades Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: tong zhis Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: you Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: re gay Raina TILL THEN, says: okay, like animal farm! Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: okay Raina TILL THEN, says: what's re gay Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: you are percy the pig Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: i mean you're gay Raina TILL THEN, says: i'm sure there's a pig that died okay! Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: yes, you Raina TILL THEN, says: oh. percy's the one that died? Raina TILL THEN, says: hahaha okay i didn't know that Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: HAHAHAHAHAHHAA Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: WHY YOU SO WEIRDDDd!!! Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THERE IS A PERCY THE PIG IN TEH BOOK Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAA Raina TILL THEN, says: OMG KAYI!!!! Raina TILL THEN, says: YOU CHEATED MY FEELINGS WA LAU Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: HAHAHAHAHHAHA Raina TILL THEN, says: I TRUSTED YOU!!!!! Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAA Raina TILL THEN, says: I bet you made up the glossary thing too right Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: PERCY THE PIG IS THE GUMMY FROM MARKS AND SPENCERS Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: AHAHAHAHHAHAHA Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: AAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHA Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA Raina TILL THEN, says: WA LAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Raina TILL THEN, says: i'm not laughing! Raina TILL THEN, says: i never knew marks and spencers had gummy pigs Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: YOU ARE SO FUNNY MAN Raina TILL THEN, says: you have betrayed my trust in you! Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: AHAHAHAHAHHAA Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: YOU ARE SO FUNNY Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: WOW MAN Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: LOOK AT HOW HARD I LUAGHED Raina TILL THEN, says: look? Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: I MUST BLOG ABOUT IT Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: AHHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAA Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: GOOD MEMORIES Raina TILL THEN, says: it's not funny! Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: YES IT IS Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through says: ITS THE FUNNIEST THING IN THE CENTURRY hi dudes wassup dudes i'm happy happy happy. ahha. i trust in retail therapy. went shopping with yee and devi and we walked nearly the whole of orchard from plaza sing to taka to wisma to fareast to tangs. so bloody tired, but happy yay but i still want a pair of jeans. :( yepp. yesterday was stupid chi olevels :( i think im gonna do really badly for compo, i mean topics were quite easy but my chinese writing skills are just plain crappy. yeah well, whatever. i feel bored now. okay. did you know marshmallows contain lactic acid? haha. the lamest thing ever. oh. i bought my new textbooks. they're lame. :( i hate human geog. sucks. okay. i watched antm yesterday, i like danielle and joanie yay i think one of them will win. don't bother to correct me if you know who's the winner and i'm wrong okay, if you spoil it for me i'll come and stab you with my very sharp shiny bayonette. HAHAHHAA. jade and her vocab is super funny shes damn retarded she makes up so much words. brunetteness, considerating and what else. and survivor is finally showing here my goodness after so bloody long. its about time they showed amazing race too. and they should show nice movies like a walk to remember and whatever nice stuff and not stupid ones like the scorpion king which is filled with lameness actually not really cus i was kinda engrossed in the movie when i was a 11 year old kid which just makes it all the more lame. whoa my sentence is so long. ahhahaha. my birthday is coming soon(: my birthday is tomorrow. hahaha. okay. if you bothered to read this stupid crap you are indeed very stupid cus this is just a load of bullshit and trash. stupid people read stupid things. and even stupider people type stupid stuff. hahahahaha. i'm going hongkong soon. i will be mixing around with all my fellow honkeydonkeys ehehe. ee-ore ee-ore. hahaha. hahahhaa imagine seeing eeyores flood the streets in hongkong. haha. i think i'm very funny. at the chicken rice stall today the uncle asked me if i wanted roasted or the white chicken thing and i was like anything. hahaha. yeah okay i am done laming around. i'll be back tomorrow with more lameness okie? dokie! goodbye my lovers give me a smoochie Friday, October 27, 2006
i feel like alot of stuff has been screwed up. i've been pretty moody after the prize giving thing. today melissa looked at my report book and she went kayi whats wrong with you you de-proved so much. and thats got me thinking so much about everything, like i know i've been doing badly this year but it sounds so much more serious coming from a friend. but i really appreciated the honesty there because all along all that i've gotten from friends were the usual comforting and stuff like dont worry just do better next year.so anyway yeah i just feel pretty screwed up and i dont know if msheng is gonna allow like everyone who writes a letter to continue higherchinese. i'm gonna be really miserable if she doesnt allow me to continue but i guess i can understand cus i havent passed a single test this year. but still. i really really want to continue taking the damn subject cus i want a shot at passing so i dont have to take it at jc. plus it feels pretty wasted, if i just drop it this year, i've taken the subject for like 6/7 years. and it sucks that i havent realised how badly i wanted all these until it had to come to this. but if im allowed to continue taking it then comes the question of whether i am really better off taking it. i have to pass next year, it's a must and for me its just a very hard thing. i'm gonna take up chinese tuition. so anyway okay. i havent been giving out my annual postcards at the end of the school term. but this year it hasnt even felt like its sad leaving the school. last year everyone cried. i guess everyone's just happy to take a break. i'm happy about the holidays but then they'll have to end at some point and thats what im not happy about. next year's gonna be hell i know and if my results next year are anything like this year's then im gonna die. right. so anyway it was really glad knowing all you guys. some friendships were lost but i've made other great ones. ann raina jack beverly shiuan claire melissa kat charissa. thanks you guys. and to those i've known last year or lastlastyear, huiting aileen jasmine charlene everyone else. well i dunno what to say but i'll give you a smiley face okay :) haha. i'm sorry for all the friendships lost, what can i say, i didnt want this either. To think I might not see those eyes Makes it so hard not to cry And as we say our long goodbye I nearly do run, by snow patrol. its damn fricking nice go listen to it. kay i gotta go back to my chinese. love you guys, bye Thursday, October 26, 2006
And so I'm letting of everything we were,It doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. hello friends. slept the whole morning off today. yesterday we attended this personal grooming workshop which was kind of useful i guess. the trainer prolly spent a few hundred bucks on all her products. which is kinda stupid considering she's so old and she's married with a daughter, does it really matter if shes got nice moisturised skin and straight teeth? and shes gonna spend a few thousand bucks on her teeth and its like shouldnt she spend it on her daughter instead. okay whatever. so anyway right, if your deodorant contains aluminium you better throw it away or sth otherwise you're gonna die from breast cancer. YES and i found out mine has activated aluminium something gosh i need a mammogram now. hahahaha. monday we had creative language which was really stupid if you asked me. haha. bev and i went high after that which made me really tired during chinese so i slept the lesson off. so now you know why i fail that stupid subject. hohoho. oh clarke quay's very very coolio :) we ate at one of those riverside places and the crabs and chilli sotong rings were really yummy. yummy yummy. but the bill was like hundred bucks over. haahaa. well yeah whatever. it isnt my money anyway. okay. i am going out soon to get birthday presents. :) i'll probably end up with something for myself too you know okay bye friends! Sunday, October 22, 2006
happy belated birthday charissa<3whaddup. these days i have been woken up super early by the baby monster in my house. uh huh. its annoying, and it reminds me why i hate babies. i didnt even get much sleep last night he was fricking bawling his head off the whole night man. and the first time i got woken up i thought it was a ghost wailing or something. omg. oh yo, windtalkers is an excellent show. i love war shows. haha. but its sad cus you know, you're just getting attached to the characters and they get killed off. :( i think nicholas cage is one hell of a great actor. (: aww but anyway i got loads of satisfaction watching japs being killed. yepp i have a thing against japs. that kind of explains my anti-korean-ness. cus they kinda look similar. and which is why i will never swoon over a slitty eyed jap/korean guy whose ancestors killed my ancestors. ehehe. haha. very funny. :S so right, okay. yesterday night went crystal jade for dinner with my china relatives and cousins. haha dude my cousins ate up the whole fish in like a minute. yepp. friday night went to pick my china relatives up from the airport. and i saw this angmoh buff guy who's so buff he looked like he had boobs. ahaha. its so funny. i'm very addicted to stolen by dashboard confessional<3 yay its a fricking nice song. We watch the season pull up its own stakes and catch the last weekend of the last week before the gold and the glimmer have been replaced another sun soaked season fades away You have stolen my heart You have stolen my heart Invitation only grand farewells crash the best one of the best ones clear liquor and cloudy eyed too early to say goodnight You have stolen my heart You have stolen my heart And from the ballroom floor we are in celebration one good stretch before our hibernation our dreams assured and we all will sleep well, sleep well, sleep well, sleep well, sleep well You have stolen You have stolen You have stolen my heart Watch you spin around in your highest heels you are the best one of the best ones we all look like we feel You have stolen my You have stolen my You have stolen my heart okay goodbye! last week of school. love it love it love it. (: CIAOZ! Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tell me is the money worth your soulTell me what's the reason that you hold on, When you know that dude has a whole wall of 'em just like you yo dudies. today we went quality hotel for the fine dining thing. gosh damn funny man. & we had 5 course meal but the chicken rice sucked. :( anyway yeah then i got a fever so i had to go home after reaching sch. yay. haha k then ytd was career quest and we did some personlity test thing and im super nice haha. like duh. okie monday we had body talk its quite funny. and after sch we had bishan recycling thing which was damn tiring, like carrying newspapers up and down the stairs. but its quite fun. haha. running from bees. mmkay im gonna sleep soon piss out dudies Friday, October 13, 2006
![]() 'SSUP. I HAD A REALLY NICE DREAM YESTERDAY. haha. somehow channing tatum was inside. i dunno, he was just standing somewhere. and devi was crying in my dream ahhaha, my gosh so funny. sinyee and i were buying tickets to go up a bus and then we couldnt find the bus. hahahaha. SO HALARIOUS. not really. mmkay this week has been so amazingly shitty. wow man today we did the spa skills thing, it was quite okay compared to what i thought it would be. we made ice cream haha, well kind of. its just freezing the drink. we ended early, at like 3.30 instead of 5 cus we were so efficient, ehehe. uhhuh. recieved results earlier this week :( mine were real bad, except for emath, fricking stupid i didnt even study that much for emath. thankyou all my friends, those who tried to cheer me up. thanks charlene dude, for treating me to ice cream and listening to my whining on msn. I KNOW I CAN GET VERY ANNOYING. HAHAA. thanks bev for the twix choc, im gonna eat it tomorrow(: and omg sinyee hahaha im so sorry for interrupting your revision i feel so guilty. well good luck for your results anyway. i swear im gonna study so much harder next year. i felt really stupid when i received my results :( everyone else was so happy. well maybe its just beverly sitting next to me she's always so fricking hyper like omg., haha. i don't get why everybody loves korean dramas so much. well ok whatever. ahha. korean dramas are stupid. hollywood's the best. kay, piss out dudes Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Just hear me outIf it's not perfect I'll perfect it till my heart explodes kay. yesterday was a super shit day where my brain wasn't working at all. all cus i tripped over some stupid stairs in the morning on my way to school. no i didn't give you permission to laugh. like omg man. oh-so-fricking-embarassing. and everybody just started laughing, apparently they don't get it, it's not supposed to be amusing. :( so anyway ann and aileen were like did you hurt your brain too when you fell, hoting's like did you roll down the stairs and devi just started laughing like some schizo. and she was like, you can make a joke show out of it. yes devi, you made me feel soooo much better after telling me that. so anyway okay let's moove on. last paper today, aft that watched john tucker with ann aileen and charlene and we were in the same cinema as angela and audrey :D john tucker's damn funny, charlene went hysterical in the movie but she's like hysterical all the time anyway. haha. i stopped laughing at the end though cus my sphincter muscles desperately needed to relax HAHA angela and me were rushing to the toilet when credits rolled. so then yeah they came over and we watched hannah montana on youtube which is super funny yeah i know i said it twice alrdy. i'm reeeaaally bored now i'm downloading some stupid game now and its taking ages, it better be worth the wait. yeahh. okay. see ya. Monday, October 02, 2006
HANNAH MONTANA EPISODE 10 PART1:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZranIo13Oi0 PART 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I34JfsOx4C0&NR PART 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJrFjJnteoM&NR ANOTHER EPISODE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL_jBQqzPZU billy ray: but that was wrong. shakespeare is very important and you use it everyday in your life. like fractions. i'm using em right now. erm. im halfway up the room, 3/4, and i'm gone. HAHA OH MY GOODNESS I SWEAR ITS LIKE THE FUNNIEST SHOW I'VE WATCHED IN YEARSSSS. (: yay. MUST GO WATCH OKAY! kay back to geog! [: |